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Born in Italy in 1996, Alberto Ferro began his piano studies with his mother at the age of seven and gave his first recital at the age of thirteen. Graduated with the highest honors from the "Vincenzo Bellini" Institute of Music in Catania (2014), he is currently studying under the guidance of Prof. Epifanio Comis at the same Institute, in order to obtain the Master's degree. He also attended several piano masterclasses held by very important pianists such as Janina Fialkowska, Michel Béroff, Dina Yoffe, Leslie Howard, Elisso Virsaladze, Joaquín Achúcarro, Richard Goode, Violetta Egorova and Jörg Demus. He won a lot of prizes in national and international competitions, including: 2nd Prize, International Press Prize and Haydn Prize at the "Ferruccio Busoni" International Piano Competition in Bolzano (2015); 1st Prize at the “Premio Venezia” National Piano Competition at Teatro La Fenice in Venice (2015); 6th Prize and Musiq’3 Prize of the public at the “Queen Elisabeth” International Piano Competition in Brussels (2016); Finalist Prize and Children's Corner Prize at the "Clara Haskil" International Piano Competition in Vevey (2017); 1st Prize and Audience Prize at the International Telekom Beethoven Competition in Bonn (2017). He has performed many concerts throughout Europe: Teatro Massimo “Vincenzo Bellini” in Catania, Teatro Malibran and Teatro La Fenice in Venice, Fazioli Concert Hall in Sacile, Sala Verdi of the Conservatory in Milan, Le Réflet Theatre in Vevey, Künstlerhaus and Herkulessaal in Munich, Philharmonic Hall in Liège, Concertgebouw in Bruges, Minardschouwburg and Handelsbeurs in Ghent, Flagey and Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels, Philharmonie in Luxembourg, Festspielhaus in Erl, Museum of Art in Tel Aviv, Musikgymnasium Schloss Belvedere in Weimar, Gewandhaus in Leipzig, Telekom Zentrale and Telekom Forum in Bonn, Liederhalle in Stuttgart, Meistersingerhalle in Nuremberg. Festival and associations appearances have included the Copenhagen Summer Festival, Noto Musica Festival, Bologna Festival, Operaestate Festival Veneto, Kawai a Ledro, Amici della Musica di Firenze, Società dei Concerti, Settimane Musicali di Ascona, Tyrolean Festival Erl, Festival Musiq’3, Klassiek Leeft Meesterlijk Summer Festival, Festival de l’Eté Mosan, Gent Festival van Vlaanderen, Brussels Piano Festival and many others. He has performed with several orchestras such as the Donetsk Philharmonic Orchestra, the Aarhus Symphony Orchestra, the Kammerphilharmonie dacapo München, the Klassische Philharmonie Bonn, the Beethoven Orchester Bonn, the Haydn Orchestra of Bolzano and Trento, the Orchestra Filarmonica della Fenice, the Lausanne Chamber Orchestra, the Royal Chamber Orchestra of Wallonia, the Chamber Orchestra of Belgium (Casco Phil), the Royal Flemish Philharmonic Orchestra (deFilharmonie), the National Orchestra of Belgium, under renowned conductors such as Franz Schottky, Alexander Prior, Risto Joost, Marco Parisotto, Arvo Volmer, Benjamin Haemhouts, Dirk Kaftan, Heribert Beissel, Paul Meyer, Thierry Fischer, Marin Alsop, Christian Zacharias and many others. In 2016 and 2017 he was awarded the Italian Chamber of Deputies Medal, personally offered by the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Hon. Laura Boldrini, on the occasion of the European Music Day, in recognition of his artistic talent and for the successes achieved in some prestigious international piano competitions over recent years. In March 2017 he gave a recital at the Pauline Chapel of the Quirinal Palace in Rome, for “I Concerti del Quirinale di Rai Radio 3” concert series, receiving many appreciations from the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella. Many of his recordings were broadcast by radio and television broadcasters in Italy (Rai 3, Rai 5, Rai Radio 1, Rai Radio 3, Rai Südtirol, Radio Popolare, Venice Classic Radio) and abroad (RTBF, VRT, Musiq'3, Klara, ORF III, MDR Kultur, RTS, arte, Deutsche Welle). Furthermore, some important music magazines (Suonare News, Amadeus, Crescendo, Andante, Pizzicato) have published many articles about him. As from 2015, he is one of the artists supported by the CIDIM (the Italian National Music Council), that realized the production of his first CD for the label Suonare Records, attached to the national music magazine Suonare News (May 2017). In 2016, the BNP Paribas Fortis engaged him for a concert series in Belgium and published a CD that includes some live performances of him from the “Queen Elisabeth” Competition in Brussels. He is currently involved in the field of the chamber music performance and regularly performs with the Italian violinist Gennaro Cardaropoli.



Alberto Ferro ha iniziato gli studi musicali con la madre all’età di 7 anni e ha tenuto il suo primo recital all’età di 13 anni. Nel 2014 ha conseguito il Diploma con il massimo dei voti e la lode presso l’Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “Vincenzo Bellini" di Catania, sotto la guida del maestro Epifanio Comis, con il quale continua a perfezionarsi presso lo stesso Istituto per il conseguimento del Diploma accademico di secondo livello in "Discipline musicali". Ha inoltre frequentato numerosi corsi di perfezionamento con pianisti di fama internazionale, quali Janina Fialkowska, Michel Béroff, Dina Yoffe, Leslie Howard, Elisso Virsaladze, Joaquín Achúcarro, Richard Goode, Violetta Egorova e Jörg Demus. Tra i numerosi premi vinti in concorsi nazionali ed internazionali spiccano: il 2° premio, il premio della critica e il premio speciale Haydn al “Ferruccio Busoni” di Bolzano (2015); il 1° premio al “Premio Venezia” (2015); il 6° premio e il premio del pubblico al “Regina Elisabetta” di Bruxelles (2016); il premio come finalista e il premio Children's Corner al "Clara Haskil" di Vevey (2017); il 1° premio e il premio del pubblico al "Telekom - Beethoven" di Bonn (2017). Ha tenuto concerti per importanti associazioni e festival italiani ed europei, quali il Copenhagen Summer Festival, il Bologna Festival, l'Operaestate Festival Veneto, il Noto Musica Festival, il Kawai a Ledro, gli Amici della Musica di Firenze, la Società dei Concerti di Milano, le Settimane Musicali di Ascona, il Tiroler Festspiele Erl, il Festival Musiq’3, il Klassiek Leeft Meesterlijk Summer Festival, il Festival de l’Eté Mosan, l’OdeGand Festival, il Brussels Piano Festival. Si è esibito in prestigiose sale da concerto (Teatro Massimo “Vincenzo Bellini” di Catania, Teatro Malibran e Teatro La Fenice di Venezia, Fazioli Concert Hall di Sacile, Sala Verdi del Conservatorio di Milano, Teatro Le Réflet di Vevey, Künstlerhaus e Herkulessaal di Monaco, Salle Philharmonique di Liegi, Concertgebouw di Bruges, Minardschouwburg e Handelsbeurs di Gand, Flagey e Palais des Beaux-Arts di Bruxelles, Philharmonie di Lussemburgo, Festspielhaus di Erl, Museo d'arte di Tel Aviv, Musikgymnasium Schloss Belvedere di Weimar, Gewandhaus di Lipsia, Telekom Zentrale e Telekom Forum di Bonn, Liederhalle di Stoccarda, Meistersingerhalle di Norimberga), sia in recital solistici, sia con orchestre sinfoniche e cameristiche (Donetsk Philharmonic Orchestra, Kammerphilharmonie dacapo München, Klassische Philharmonie Bonn, Beethoven Orchester Bonn, Århus Symfoniorkester, Orchestra Haydn di Bolzano e Trento, Orchestra Filarmonica della Fenice, Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, deFilharmonie, Casco Phil, Orchestre National de Belgique), sotto la guida, tra gli altri, di Franz Schottky, Alexander Prior, Benjamin Haemhouts, Risto Joost, Marco Parisotto, Arvo Volmer, Dirk Kaftan, Heribert Beissel, Paul Meyer, Thierry Fischer, Marin Alsop, Christian Zacharias. Nel 2016 e nel 2017 ha ricevuto la Medaglia della Camera dei Deputati, conferitagli dalla Presidente della Camera, On. Laura Boldrini, in occasione della Festa Europea della Musica, come riconoscimento al suo talento artistico, e per i successi riportati nel corso degli ultimi anni in prestigiose competizioni pianistiche


Rachmaninov Academy - the music academy located in the Catania, Italy. 

The Academy offers basic instrumental courses for students who either approach the study of an instrument or already possess some knowledge at the various pre-academical levels.  


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Via Fabrizi Nicola 21,

Catania - 95128, Italy

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